Author Guidelines
Journal writing guidelines Lontara Journal of Health Science and Technology as follows:
- Manuscripts were written in A4 (single column), with a margin (margin) of 2.5 cm of each edge, the letter (font) Times New Roman, large letters (font size) 11 points, and spacing 1.5. a maximum of 15 pages in a single article. Each page is assigned a number in the sequence, starting from the title page to the last on the bottom right-hand corner.
- Component articles, include the article title, author, Abstract (Indonesian and English), Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Suggestions, Acknowledgments, References, and Appendices. Template / Format Writing can be downloaded here.
- The title is written in Indonesian and English language word without including a maximum 12 words. The title should be clear, concise, and interesting.
- Abstract writing a maximum of 200 words in Indonesian and English language using Times New Roman 11 point, spacing 1. The abstract contains an introduction (1-2 sentences), the purpose of the study (first sentence), materials and methods (3-5 sentences), results in research (3-5 sentences), conclusion (one sentence) made in one (1) paragraph.
- Keywords: At least 3 words maximum 5 words (capital letters only in the first keyword, separated by commas, and do not end in a point on the last keyword)
- The introduction contains urgency and background research described problems with the inverted pyramid method starting from the global, national, and local. The number of pages in the introduction is as much as 1-1.5 pages written using Times New Roman 11 point (upright) with 1.5 spacing. Each paragraph begins with words that are indented into five digits. The final part should be put forward for preliminary research purposes.
- The materials and methods describe the types of research, the location and time of the study, population and sample, sampling techniques, data collection techniques, data analysis, and data presentation. Research using tools and materials, need to write specifications of the equipment and materials used. Qualitative research such as case studies, phenomenology, ethnography, and others, need to add a description of the checking of the validity of the study results. Writing using Times New Roman 11 point (upright) with 1.5 spacing. The paragraph begins with words that are indented into 5 digits and may not use organizing writing into "sub-heading" in this section. Published in paragraphs 1-2.
- The results describe the characteristics of the subject, univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses (if any). In this section MUST NOT insert tables and images. Interpretation of the results is made in the form of a narrative, tables and drawings were made separately in the annexed. Writing using Times New Roman 11 point (upright) with 1.5 spacing. The paragraph begins with words that are indented into 5 digits and may not use organizing writing into sub-headings for each variable.
- The discussion contains the reasons that explain the results of research and other studies that support and are not in line with the results obtained. NOT ALLOWED to use the same wording as listed at the result and NOT ALLOWED re-read tables and graphs the results of the analysis. However, the results can be grouped to be interpreted and discussed based on theory and the results of previous research. Writing using Times New Roman 11 point (upright) with 1.5 spacing. The paragraph begins with words that are indented into 5 digits and may not use organizing writing into sub-headings for each variable.
- The conclusion contains a summary of the description of the results and discussion with reference to the purpose of the research. Advice is based on research findings that have been discussed. Suggestions can refer to practical action and the development of new theories and/or studies. Writing the conclusions and recommendations on using Times New Roman 11 point (upright) with 1.5 spacing. The paragraph begins with words that are indented into 5 digits and may not use bullets or numbers. Featured in the first paragraph.
- If needed thanks can be given to 1) the parties to provide financial assistance and support, 2) the support of sections and institutions, and 3) the professionals who contributed to the preparation of the report.
- Bibliography APA Style is written according to the rules of writing. All references used in writing in the bibliography be numbered in accordance with the appearance of the article, not alphabetically. Include only used and relevant literature. Referral source at least 80% in the form of literature published 10 years. Referral sources in the form of a journal of articles at least 60% of the total bibliography. References used are the primary source in the form of research articles in journals or research reports, books, or articles that are linked from the official source.
- Articles that have been published in the Lontara Journal of Health Science and Technology are recommended for use as a reference. To maintain the consistency of the way of reference, quoting, and writing a bibliography we suggest using standard reference applications such as Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks or Colwiz. The attachment contains tables and figures which are equipped with a serial number in order of appearance in the text using Arabic numerals. The table title is written at the top of the table, while the title of the picture is written at the bottom of the image by using Times New Roman font 11, Bold, spacing 1. The table is presented without vertical/column lines. Fill in the table typed in Times New Roman font 11, spaced 1.