Counseling, Infrared Therapy, Public Health, Community Empowerment, Health EducationAbstract
Counseling and providing infrared therapy is one of the efforts to improve public health through education and empowerment in non-pharmacological therapy modalities. This activity aims to improve the knowledge, understanding, and skills of the people of Bojo Village, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, using infrared therapy. The method used in this activity combines interactive lectures, demonstrations, and direct practice with 50 participants consisting of health cadres, PKK members, community leaders, and the general public. The pre-test results showed that 74% of participants did not know about infrared therapy. Still, there was a significant increase after counseling, with 90% of participants reaching an excellent and outstanding level of expertise. The ability to practice using infrared therapy increased from 10% to 86.8% of participants who could carry out the procedure correctly. Understanding of safety aspects rose from 8% to 94%, and participant satisfaction reached 84.8%. This program formed five health care groups with 96% of participants having a clear follow-up commitment. The program's sustainability is guaranteed through a periodic monitoring and evaluation system, as well as support from the local government and health centers. It can be concluded that this infrared therapy and outreach program has succeeded in significantly increasing community knowledge and skills and can be a model for developing similar programs in other areas
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