Edukasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Di Karangtaruna Pendowohardjo
Adolescence, Reproductive health education, Counseling, Adolescent reproductive healthAbstract
Adolescence is the initial period of maturity of the reproductive organs in humans or the so-called
puberty. Based on previous preliminary studies, adolescents prefer sources of reproductive health information
obtained from peers and parents, but if this is not given an explanation from health workers directly it will cause
different perceptions from each teenager which can cause gaps. Based on the preliminary study, researchers are
interested in doing community service with the title "Adolescent Reproductive Health Education in Karangtaruna
Pendowohardjo". The purpose of this research is to increase the knowledge of adolescents about the importance
of reproductive health from a physical and psychological perspective. Adolescent Reproductive Health Education
Activities at Karangtaruna Pendowohardjo were carried out using counseling and demonstration methods, the
media used using teaching aids. The target audience in this community service is Youth, especially Youth
Organizations in Pendowohardjo Sewon Bantul with a target number of 48 Youth Youth Organizations. The results
of this research are that adolescents gain knowledge and skills regarding Reproductive Health through counseling
and demonstrations.
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